Hawaiian Airlines AFA
Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO
Stronger Together, Better Together!

You are never alone…
Our top priority is the physical and mental wellbeing of our Flight Attendants. Life will always have challenges – but know that you are never alone.
We've compiled a range of wellness and support resources to assist you and your family with everyday needs or during times of crisis.
HA Employee Assistance Program
Hawaiian's Employee Assistance Program is a confidential free benefit to all employees. When you face challenges, SupportLinc can help. Caring professionals are available 24 hours a day to help address all concerns, big and small.
Call: 1-888-881-5462
Visit: supportlinc.com - create a profile using group code hal1 (case-sensitive)
The Association of Flight Attendants Employee Assistance Program
AFA EAP is a confidential resource available to the members, their families and their partners to assist with personal, as well a work-related concerns. AFA EAP provides three distinct but interrelated services:
Assessment, support & resource referral
Advancement of professional standards through conflict resolution
Response to critical and traumatic incidents.
AFA’s objective in providing these services is to enhance the health, safety and well-being of its union family with the highest quality of peer support available within the EAP industry.
AFA International helpline is available 24 hours a day
Call: 1-800-424-2406 or 202-434-0560.
For a list of local peer representatives, please visit: hawaiianafa.org/eap
Important Dates