Hawaiian Airlines AFA
Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO
Stronger Together, Better Together!
International (INTL) Office

About the AFA
The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA) is the world’s largest labor union organized by flight attendants for flight attendants. AFA represents nearly 60,000 flight attendants at 18 airlines, serving as a voice for flight attendants at their workplace, in the industry, in the media and on Capitol Hill. Simply put, the goal of flight attendants who become part of AFA-CWA is to negotiate better pay, benefits, working conditions and work rules at their airline, and to improve their safety on the job.
AFA-CWA negotiates the best flight attendant contracts in the industry, maintaining and improving wages, benefits and working conditions for flight attendants.
AFA-CWA has strength in numbers and a professional staff to assist flight attendants with workplace, career and interpersonal concerns.
AFA-CWA is a democratic union representing flight attendants at every type of carrier. All AFA-CWA officers are flight attendants who solicit member input on policy and financial decisions.

AFA-CWA negotiates the best flight attendant contracts in the industry, maintaining and improving wages, benefits and working conditions for flight attendants.
AFA-CWA has strength in numbers and a professional staff to assist flight attendants with workplace, career and interpersonal concerns.
AFA-CWA is a democratic union representing flight attendants at every type of carrier. All AFA-CWA officers are flight attendants who solicit member input on policy and financial decisions.
At Each Base
All Flight Attendants working for the same airline and assigned to the same base or modified co-terminal form the Local Council.
The president, vice president and secretary of each council, elected by the members of that Local Council to a three-year term, form the Local Executive Council (LEC).
At Each Airline
All local council presidents from the same airline form a Master Executive Council (MEC). The MEC elects a president, vice president and secretary-treasurer for three-year terms, and handles negotiations and other business affecting members at that airline.
At the National Level
The Board of Directors (BOD), the union’s highest governing body, consists of all AFA local council presidents. The BOD amends AFA’s Constitution and Bylaws, elects national officers, determines the annual budget and oversees all union activities.
All MEC presidents make up the Executive Board, which interprets policy and carries out decisions of the Board of Directors.
The BOD elects and advises the International Officers – the international president, vice president and secretary-treasurer – who serve full-time for four-year terms and administer union operations.
Master Executive Council Committees